Statutory Declaration Under the Right To Information Act 2005,
Section 4(1)(b) By Dhupguri girls’ college


Section 4 (1) (b) of RTI Act 2005 covers the statutory declaration of Dr.Bijoy Debnath, Principal of Dhupguri Girls’ College. Website details: https://dhupgurigirlscollege.ac.in/ Our college is affiliated to the University of North Bengal aided by Govt. of West Bengal. As per West Bengal Govt. Memo No. ED-1964/2017 dt. 22.09.2017 college has formed a RTI Cell 19.07.22 ratified by GB on 23.08.22 with a State Public Information Officer (SPIO) and an Appellate authority. The College has a Governing Body, IQAC and College Developments and Committees. It runs as per the rules and regulations made by University of North Bengal and Govt. of West Bengal from time to time. The College comes under the "Grant-in-Aid" category; therefore, financial transactions are audited by the panelled auditors recommended by the Director of Public Instructions, Education Directorate, Govt. of West Bengal internal audits are also done on a regular basis. The college has different cells to maintain all types of discipline in the campus. All the cells or committees of the institutions are under Statutory Bodies. The applications under the RTI Act along with a Non-judicial postal stamp for Rs. 10.00 are to be obtained in favour of the Principal, Dhupguri Girls’College, Dhupguri for effective execution. This application may be sent to the State Public Information Officer (SPIO), Dhupguri Girls’College or handed over in his office. All information about the college is open to the public and it can be obtained by citizens of India.

Name and Designation
Contact No
Email Id
State Public Information Officer Smt. Amina Parvin (Asst. Prof.) Dept of Political Science 7908581466 Parvinara786@gmail.com
Appellate Authority Smt. Keya Mustafi (Asst. Prof.) Dept of Bengali 8910658793 keyamustafi@gmail.com

Dhupguri Girls’ College
Dhupguri, Jalpaiguri

RTI ACT, 2005
RTI Govt Website
RTI Act 2005 (Ammended)- English
RTI Act 2005 (Ammended)- Hindi
RTI Act 2005 (Ammended)- Bengali
RTI PROCEDURE West Bengal Information Right to Information
Statutory Declaration Under the Right To Information By Dhupguri girls’ college