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Department of Sociology

Dhupguri Girls’ College


The Department of Sociology at Dhupguri Girls’ College was established in 2019, offering a pass course to students. The first faculty member, Smt. Payal Paul, joined the department in 2019, followed by Asraful Rohoman, who joined as a visiting lecturer in 2023. Recently, with the support of our Hon’ble Principal, the department has introduced both Major and Minor courses.

Our Mission

The Department of Sociology is dedicated to the study of social life, social change, and the social causes and consequences of human behavior. We explore patterns of social relationships, social interaction, and aspects of culture that are integral to everyday life. Our purpose is to empower students to think critically about the social world, cultivating the values, skills, and desire to become engaged citizens in a complex, multicultural society.

Academic Focus

The Sociology Department offers students a comprehensive understanding of sociological theories, concepts, and methods necessary for analyzing social phenomena. We strive to develop critical thinking skills in our students and encourage them to question assumptions about social life, providing them with the tools to understand and navigate the complexities of human social relationships and institutions.

Areas of Study

Sociology covers a wide array of topics, ranging from crime to religion, family to the state, and social stability to radical societal change. The discipline’s unifying goal is to understand how human action and consciousness are shaped by, and in turn shape, surrounding cultural and social structures.

Impact of Sociology

Sociology is an exciting and illuminating field of study that addresses critical issues at personal, societal, and global levels. It investigates the social causes and consequences of phenomena such as love, identity, conflict, deviance, aging, and faith. It also examines societal issues like crime, law, poverty, wealth, education, and social movements, while at a global level, it explores population dynamics, migration, conflict, and economic development.

Sociological Research and Insights

Sociologists emphasize the careful gathering and analysis of evidence about social life to develop and enrich our understanding of key social processes. The research methods used by sociologists are varied, including observing the everyday life of groups, conducting large-scale surveys, interpreting historical documents, analyzing census data, studying video-taped interactions, interviewing group participants, and conducting laboratory experiments. These methods and theories yield powerful insights into the social processes shaping human lives, as well as social problems and prospects in the contemporary world.

By better understanding these social processes, we also come to understand more clearly the forces shaping our personal experiences and outcomes. The ability to see and understand this connection between broad social forces and personal experiences—what C. Wright Mills called “the sociological imagination”—is invaluable for living effective and rewarding personal and professional lives in a complex society.

Academic Preparation and Skills

Students trained in sociology learn how to think critically about human social life and ask important research questions. They are equipped to design robust social research projects, carefully collect and analyze empirical data, and effectively present their research findings. These skills enable them to help others understand the social world and envision how it might be improved.

More broadly, sociology students develop the ability to think, evaluate, and communicate clearly, creatively, and effectively—abilities that are highly valuable in a wide variety of professions.

The Unique Perspective of Sociology

Sociology offers a distinctive and enlightening way of seeing and understanding the social world. It looks beyond the taken-for-granted views of reality to provide deeper, more illuminating, and challenging understandings of social life. Through its unique analytical perspective, theories, and research methods, sociology expands our awareness and analysis of the human social relationships, cultures, and institutions that profoundly shape our lives and human history.

Program Course Code Course Name Description
Major Course – 01 USOCMAJ11001 Introduction to Sociology – 1 Acquaints students with basic concepts, social institutions, and the interconnection with other social sciences.
Major Course – 01 USOCMAJ12002 Indian Society – 1 Familiarizes students with the socio-cultural components of Indian society, including caste, family, and marriage.
Minor Programme USOCMIN10001 Introduction to Sociology Focuses on the origin, history, and basic concepts of sociology and its relationship with other sciences.
Minor Programme USOCMIN10001 Sociology of India Provides an outline of Indian societal structures and processes, encouraging a sociological view of Indian reality.
SEC – 1st Semester USOCSEC11001 Sociology of Environment Covers social causes of environmental issues and the environmental movement, focusing on the sociological aspects of these problems.
SEC – 2nd Semester USOCSE12002 Gender Sensitization Develops an understanding of gender as a social construct, addressing gender biases, stereotypes, and violence.
MDC – 02 – 2nd Semester UPOBMDC12038 Sociology of Development Focuses on development as part of social-cultural dynamism, examining the consequences of economic development on society.
Course Code Course Title Description
Dsc-01 Introduction to Sociology Students understand the basics of sociology, including social structure, social control, and its relationship with other social sciences.
Dsc-02 Sociology of India Explores social institutions like marriage, family, kinship, and religion, and their roles in Indian society.
Dsc-03 Sociological Theories Covers contributions of Indian sociologists and major social thinkers like Marx, Durkheim, Weber, and Spencer.
Dsc-04 Techniques of Social Research Focuses on research methods, data collection, and the role of social facts in research.
Dse-05 Religion and Society Examines sociological understanding of religion, its features, and influences, including secularism and communalism in India.
Dse-06 Social Stratification Introduces ideas of social inequality, stratification, mobility, poverty, gender, and exclusion.
Ge-01 Gender and Violence Explores concepts of gender and sex, women’s position in society, feminist theories, and issues related to women’s empowerment.
Ge-02 Population and Society Studies demographic concepts, population theories, and the relationship between population dynamics and societal structure.
Sec-01 Sociology of Media Analyzes media’s role, new methodologies, and its impact on society, focusing on media content transmission and reception.
Sec-02 Visual Sociology Explores visual dimensions of social life through digital cameras and recording technology, focusing on social phenomena and interactions.


Year Wise Assignment

Year Assignment
2024 View Document
2023 View Document
2022 View Document
2021 View Document
2020 View Document
2019 View Document


Teaching Module

Teaching Module Outline

Section Description
Introduction to Pedagogic Techniques Definition and significance of pedagogy in teaching and learning: Overview of various pedagogic techniques listed.
  • Traditional lecture format
  • Utilizing multimedia tools for effective delivery
  • Interactive lecture methods (question-answer sessions, group discussions)
  • Small group sessions for in-depth discussions and problem-solving
  • Peer-to-peer learning in tutorial settings
  • Facilitator’s role in guiding tutorials effectively
Project Work
  • Assigning projects to encourage research and independent learning
  • Group projects vs. individual projects
  • Presentation skills development through project presentations
Debates, Discussions, Quiz
  • Organizing debates to stimulate critical thinking and argumentation skills
  • Facilitating discussions to promote collaboration and diverse perspectives
  • Using quizzes for formative assessment and reinforcement of concepts
Community-Based Learning
  • Engaging with local communities to apply theoretical knowledge in real-world contexts
  • Service-learning projects and their benefits
  • Reflection and evaluation of community-based experiences
Poster Presentation
  • Visual communication of ideas through poster presentations
  • Design principles for effective poster presentations
  • Peer evaluation and feedback sessions for poster presentations
  • Oral examination to assess students’ understanding and communication skills
  • Preparation strategies for viva-voce assessments
  • Providing constructive feedback following viva-voce sessions
  • Integration of technology in teaching and learning
  • Online platforms for content delivery, discussions, and assessments
  • Ensuring accessibility and inclusivity in e-learning environments
Interactions with Experts
  • Inviting guest speakers from academia, industry, and community organizations
  • Panel discussions and Q&A sessions with experts
  • Networking opportunities for students to connect with professionals in their field
  • Designing assignments to assess students’ comprehension and application of concepts
  • Rubrics for transparent assessment criteria
  • Feedback mechanisms to support students’ learning and improvement
Drawing Competition
  • Encouraging creativity and artistic expression through drawing competitions
  • Themes related to course content or broader societal issues
  • Recognizing and celebrating student achievements in drawing competitions
Problem-Solving Methods
  • Incorporating problem-solving tasks to develop critical thinking and analytical skills
  • Case studies and scenarios relevant to the discipline
  • Collaborative problem-solving activities to foster teamwork and communication skills
Teaching Methods
  • Combination of lectures, tutorials, group discussions, and hands-on activities
  • Use of multimedia resources and interactive tools
  • Incorporation of experiential learning through community-based projects and fieldwork
  • Utilization of online platforms for e-learning components and virtual interactions
  • Engagement with experts through guest lectures, panel discussions, and networking events
  • Continuous assessment through assignments, quizzes, and class participation
  • Formative assessments to provide feedback for improvement
  • Summative assessments to evaluate learning outcomes
  • Peer assessment for collaborative activities such as group projects and debates
  • Reflections on learning experiences and self-assessment opportunities
Document Name Link
SESSION 2020-21.pdf View Document
DGC FINAL ROUTINE FOR 2ND 4TH & 6TH SEM 2023 AR 06022024.docx View Document
DGC ROUTINE ,2022 AR 03022023.docx View Document
SESSION 2019-20.pdf View Document
DGC FINAL ROUTINE FOR 1ST 3RD & 5TH SEM 2023 AR 06022024.docx View Document


Year Document
2023 View Document
2022 View Document
2021 View Document
2020 View Document
Course 5 View Document

Course Name Document
Add on Course on Community Development View Document


Progressive Future: Department of Sociology Strategic Plan


To cultivate critical thinkers, change agents, and empathetic leaders equipped to address societal challenges and promote social justice.


The Department of Sociology is committed to advancing knowledge, fostering critical inquiry, and promoting social change through rigorous research, innovative teaching, and community engagement.

Goals and Objectives

Goal Objectives
1. Enhance Academic Excellence
  • Foster a culture of academic rigor through interdisciplinary collaboration, research-led teaching, and continuous professional development for faculty.
  • Expand undergraduate and graduate offerings to reflect emerging trends, diverse perspectives, and contemporary societal issues.
2. Promote Research and Scholarship
  • Facilitate faculty and student research endeavors by providing resources, mentorship, and opportunities for collaboration.
  • Promote the dissemination of research findings through scholarly publications, conferences, and public engagement.
3. Empower Student Success
  • Provide a supportive learning environment that encourages critical thinking, fosters intellectual curiosity, and promotes social responsibility.
  • Offer experiential learning opportunities, internships, and community-based projects to enhance students’ practical skills and real-world application of sociological concepts.
4. Engage with Communities
  • Strengthen partnerships with local, national, and global communities to address pressing social issues, promote equity, and facilitate positive social change.
  • Encourage faculty and students to actively engage in community-based research, advocacy, and service activities.
5. Embrace Diversity and Inclusion
  • Foster a welcoming and inclusive environment that celebrates diversity of perspectives, experiences, and identities.
  • Incorporate diverse voices and perspectives into curriculum development, research initiatives, and departmental decision-making processes.
6. Advance Digital Literacy and Technological Innovation
  • Integrate digital technologies and innovative teaching methods to enhance learning outcomes, facilitate research, and promote information literacy.
  • Provide training and support for faculty and students to adapt to technological advancements and utilize digital tools effectively.
7. Promote Professional Development and Career Readiness
  • Offer career counseling, mentorship programs, and networking opportunities to support students’ transition to post-graduation employment or further academic pursuits.
  • Collaborate with alumni and industry partners to provide internships, job shadowing experiences, and professional development workshops.

Implementation Strategies

Strategy Description
Establish Committees Oversee the implementation of specific initiatives aligned with each goal.
Allocate Resources Provide resources for faculty development, research grants, and student scholarships.
Conduct Assessments Regularly assess and evaluate progress to identify areas for improvement.
Foster Collaboration Encourage a culture of transparency, collaboration, and accountability among faculty, staff, students, and stakeholders.
Update Strategic Plan Regularly update and communicate the strategic plan to ensure alignment with evolving departmental needs and priorities.