A proper code of conduct for Dhupgui Girls' College should promote a safe, respectful, and inclusive environment. Here are some key components:

1. Respect and Dignity
Treat all individuals with respect, regardless of their background, beliefs, or identity. Foster an environment free from harassment, bullying, and discrimination.
2. Academic Integrity
Maintain honesty in all academic work, avoiding plagiarism and cheating. Support peers in their academic endeavours while upholding academic standards.
3. Personal Conduct
Demonstrate responsible behaviour on and off campus.
Engage in open and constructive communication.
4. Use of Technology
Utilize technology and social media responsibly, respecting privacy and personal boundaries.
Avoid sharing confidential information and misinformation, or engaging in cyberbullying.
5. Community Engagement
Participate actively in college events and initiatives that promote community building.
Volunteer for community service projects to foster social responsibility.
6. Safety and Well-being
Report any unsafe situations or behaviour to the appropriate authorities.
Prioritize personal well-being and that of others, seeking help when needed.
7. Conflict Resolution
Address conflicts through open dialogue and mediation, when necessary.
Respect the processes in place for conflict resolution.
8. Environmental Responsibility
Promote sustainable practices on campus.
Be mindful of the environmental impact of individual and collective actions.
9. Compliance with Policies
Abide by all college policies and procedures.
Stay informed about updates to the code of conduct and related policies.

This code of conduct should be communicated clearly to all students, with regular workshops or discussions to ensure understanding and commitment. Encouraging a culture of accountability and mutual respect will contribute to a positive educational environment.