
Dhupguri Girls’ College has established a Grievance Redressal Cell following UGC regulations and mandates in order to create college campus where students, faculty, and staff are feel free and safe to openly and honestly convey any academic, non-academic or personal grievances or problems they may have faced in this college, without hesitating and facing any negative effects. Grievance Redressal Cell has been setup for addressing and resolving these grievances and to ensure that the Grievance Redressal Cell actively treat all grievances submitted by students, faculty and staff with an effective manner.
The Grievance Redressal cell aims to provide appropriate suggestion and guidance throughout the grievance redressal process and foster harmonious relationships among its stakeholders, promoting a friendly and cooperative academic atmosphere.

What is a Grievance?

The University Grants Commission (UGC) has recently announced the publication of the "University Grants Commission (Redressal of Grievances of Students) Regulations, 2023" in the Gazette of India under the reference number F.1-13/2022 (CPP-II)., dated 11th April, 2023 (Link In that notice UGC explains grievance in the following manner:
Grievance” means, and includes, complaint(s) made by an aggrieved student in respect of the following, namely:

i. admission contrary to merit determined in accordance with the declared admission policy of the institution;
ii. irregularity in the process under the declared admission policy of the institution;
iii. refusal to admit in accordance with the declared admission policy of the institution;
iv. non-publication of a prospectus by the institution, in accordance with the provisions of these regulations;
v. publication by the institution of any information in the prospectus, which is false or misleading, and not based on facts;
vi. withholding of, or refusal to return, any document in the form of certificates of degree, diploma or any other award or other document deposited by a student for the purpose of seeking admission in such institution, with a view to induce or compel such sny fee or fees in respect of any course or program of study which such student does not intend to pursue;
vii. demand of money in excess of that specified to be charged in the declared admission policy of the institution;
viii. violation, by the institution, of any law for the time being in force in regard to reservation of seats in admission to different category of students;
ix. non-payment or delay in payment of scholarships or financial aid admissible to any student under the declared admission policy of such institution, or under the conditions, if any, prescribed by the Commission;
x. delay by the institution in the conduct of examinations, or declaration of results, beyond the schedule specified in the academic calendar of the institution, or in such calendar prescribed by the Commission;
xi. failure by the institution to provide student amenities as set out in the prospectus, or is required to be extended by the institution under any provisions of law for the time being in force;
xii. non-transparent or unfair practices adopted by the institution for the evaluation of students;
xiii. delay in, or denial of, the refund of fees due to a student who withdraws admission within the time mentioned in the prospectus, subject to guidelines, if any, issued by the Commission, from time to time;
xiv. complaints of alleged discrimination of students from the Scheduled Castes, the Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Classes, Women, Minorities or persons with disabilities categories;
xv. denial of quality education as promised at the time of admission or required to be provided;
xvi. harassment or victimization of a student, other than cases of harassment, which are to be proceeded against under the penal provisions of any law for the time being in force;
xvii. any action initiated/taken contrary to the statutes, ordinances, rules, regulations, or guidelines of the institution; and any action initiated/taken contrary to the regulations and/or guidelines made/issued by the Commission and/or the regulatory body concerned.

The Members of the Grievance Redressal Cell of Dhupguri Girls’ College:

1. Dr. Bijoy Debnath (Chairperson), Principal, Dhupguri Girls’ College
2. Dr. Jaya Kepchaki (Ombudsperson)
3. Shyamal Biswas(Convener)
4. Suvankar Jana(Member)
5. Satarupa Sarkar(Member)
6. Special Invitee Student: Dipti Bhowmik

Aims and Objectives of the Grievance Redressal Cell:

1. Addressing Grievances: The primary aim of the grievance redressal cell is to provide a platform for students, faculty, and staff to address their grievances related to academic, administrative, or personal matters within the institution.
2. Ensuring Fairness and Transparency: Promoting transparency by providing clear and accessible information about the grievance redressal procedures, including how grievances are reviewed, investigated, and resolved.
3. Maintaining a Harmonious Atmosphere: The cell seeks to foster a harmonious educational atmosphere within the institute by promptly addressing and resolving grievances, thereby promoting a sense of trust, respect, and satisfaction among stakeholders.
4. Timely Resolution: Aim to resolve grievances promptly and efficiently to prevent escalation and minimize any negative impact on individuals or the organization as a whole.
5. Upholding Rights and Interests: It aims to protect the rights, interests, and well-being of all members of the educational community and create a conducive environment for teaching, learning, and research.

Functions of the Grievance Redressal Cell:

1. Receiving Complaints: The cell should be the first point of contact for receiving complaints and grievances from students, faculty, staff, or any other stakeholders within the institution. Complains can be received through off line, online, email, phone call or in person meeting.
2. Recording complaints: cell should systematically record the received complaints and identify the nature and urgency of complaints and this categorization helps the GRC prioritize and resolve the complaints effectively.
3. Evaluating Complaints:It assesses the nature and validity of the complaints received, ensuring that they fall within the purview of the cell's jurisdiction.
4. Investigating and Resolving Complaints: The GRC collecting relevant information to resolve the grievance time in a fair procedure.
5. Providing Recommendations: after investing the GRC may prepare recommendations to the appropriate authorities for corrective action, policy changes, or improvements to prevent similar grievances in the future.
6. Maintaining Confidentiality: GRC should ensure the identity of the complainant and other parties involved through out the whole process of grievance redressal.
7. Documentation and Reporting: The cell maintains proper records of complaints, investigations, and resolutions.

Procedure for Redressal of Grievances by Ombudspersons and Student Grievance Redressal Cell

i. On receipt of an online or off line complaint, the institution refers the complaint to the Grievance Redressal Cell, along with its comments within 15 days of receipt of complaint on the online portal.
ii. The Students’ Grievance Redressal Cell, as the case may be, shall fix a date for hearing the complaint which shall be communicated to the institution and the aggrieved student.
iii. An aggrieved student may appear either in person or authorize a representative to present the case.
iv. Grievances not resolved by the Students’ Grievance Redressal Cell within the time period provided in these regulations may be referred to the Ombudsperson by the university.
v. Institutions shall extend co-operation to the Ombudsperson or the Student Grievance Redressal Committee(s), in early redressal of grievances.
vi. The Ombudsperson shall, after giving reasonable opportunities of being heard to the parties concerned, on the conclusion of proceedings, pass such order, with reasons thereof, as may be deemed fit to redress the grievance and provide such relief as may be appropriate to the aggrieved student.
vii. The institution, as well as the aggrieved student, shall be provided with copies of the order under the signature of the Ombudsperson.
viii. The institution shall comply with the recommendations of the Ombudsperson.
ix. The Ombudsperson may recommend appropriate action against the complainant, where a complaint is found to be false or frivolous.

Grievance Redressal Application Form:

Submit your grievance application form to the Dhupguri Girls’ College in the following google form link: (google form for Student)
You can also directly mail us your grievance to the following e-mail ID :

Important links:

• University Grants Commission (Redressal of Grievances of Students) Regulations, 2023" published in the Gazette of India under the reference number F.1-13/2022 (CPP-II)., dated 11th April, 2023
Link :

• Public Notice on UGC (Grievance Redressal) Regulations, 2018
Link :

• “Implementation of UGC Grievances Redressal Regulations” published by Press Information Bureau, Government of India, Ministry of Education on 23 March 2018 5:11PM
Link :